World Water Day is celebrated around the world every year on March 22, and for the last four years hundreds of thousands of people across the world have mobilised to Walk for Water and Sanitation. Activists, schoolchildren and communities from Europe, the Americas, Africa and Asia have taken to the streets to demand their human right to water and sanitation is fulfilled so that they can have the clean running water and safe, hygienic sanitation they need to live the lives they choose. The World Walks for Water and Sanitation – here is our dedicated campaign website – is the largest worldwide mobilisation for universal access to water and sanitation and, as such, provides an excellent opportunity for communities to lobby governments to meet the demands of this global campaign.

Last year, on and around World Water Day, more than 600,000 people in more than 40 countries came together to tell politicians to stick to the commitments they have made on water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH). As a result of this, decision makers took steps towards fulfilling the Human Right to Water and Sanitation. Click to find out more: EnglishFrenchSpanish.

If you want to get involved in 2015’s mobilisations, visit our website here. You’ll be able to find out all you need to know about how and why to arrange a walk, watch our campaign video, and download useful resources for your campaign. And you can always get in touch via