IRSP Participating in SACOSAN IV Colombo Sri lanka

SANITATION; a means to enhance quality of life: The South Asian Conference on Sanitation (SACOSAN), a government led biennial convention usually take place on rotational basis in each country, provides platform for dialogue and influence created by the governments of...

World Water Day Event 2011

Water is a basic requirement for all life. In 1992, the UN General Assembly designated 22 March of each year as the world day for water. Integrated Regional Support Program (IRSP) is celebrating this day each year with the participation of different government and non...
IRSP Case Studies 2010

IRSP Case Studies 2010

Objectives: To analyze the existing situation of the target area To make a comparison of the present situation with the previous one To identify the positive and negative impacts of IRSP’s intervention To identify the needs of the community those...
Project info SRSFADN/ Unicef

Project info SRSFADN/ Unicef

Project information of Scaling up Rural Sanitation in flood affected district of Nowshehra partnered by IRSP and funded by Unicef. Title of the Project: Scaling up Rural Sanitation in flood affected district of Nowshehra Project Duration: Oct 14, 2010 – Oct 13, 2011...

EC Project Launching ceremony

IRSP Pakistan in collaboration with European Union and Water Aid has launched a 3 years program entitled “Promoting Civil Society participation in water and sanitation governance in Pakistan”. The objective of the project is to “Contribute to Poverty Reduction...