- To analyze the existing situation of the target area
- To make a comparison of the present situation with the previous one
- To identify the positive and negative impacts of IRSP’s intervention
- To identify the needs of the community those have been neglected so that can be fulfilled in future
- To identify the special cases in community so that can be encouraged through reward
- to develop a tool of advocacy in form of such stories
Four case studies have been written in order to achieve the above mentioned objectives.
Union council Jamal garhi:
In village Sreekh Banda, Wahida and tajbar sultan‘s family’s case study has been done on 24th, May 2010.
Union council Chamtar:
In village Syyed Azim Kaly, Karim and Laila’s family’s case study has been done on 3rd, June 2010.
Union council Takkar:
In village Faiz Talab Banda, Ibrahim and Shah rana’s family’s case study has been done on 25th, March 2010.
Union council Gujrat:
In village Sreekh kaly, Nasim’s and Laila’s families’s case study has been done on 20th, May 2010.
Case study
Ibrahim & Shah rana
Village: Faiz Talab Banda, UC: Takar, Tehsil: Takht Bhai, District: Mardan
25th, March 2010
At the start of 21s century, United Nations set 8 goals for international development under the name of Millennium development goals. One of the goals is for improvement and delivery of water and sanitation facilities as almost 40% of the population is living without basic sanitation only in south Asia and sub Saharan Africa where like other international and national organizations, water aid is struggling with its partners in order to improve sanitation's condition.
Situation of district Mardan:
District Mardan in NWFP, Pakistan is one of the regions with worse sanitation condition where IRSP is working in collaboration with water aid. The total area of the district is 1632 square kilometers having population density of 894. The urban proportion of the district is 20.2 percent of the total population where as rural proportion is 79.8 percent. The big urban area is Mardan Municipal Committee with population of 239 thousands.
The other urban areas are Takht Bhai Municipal Committee with population 49 thousands and Mardan Cantonment with population of 7 thousands. Here female literacy rate is very low while the male literacy ratio is much higher at 53.50 percent compared to 18.38 percent for female. Due to the poverty, unemployment and high illiteracy rate, ratio of unhygienic practices including open defecation is very high.
District Mardan and sanitation:
It is considered against cultural norms to build latrines in houses, males, females and children used to defecate at open grounds and fields outside there houses. The situation results in water pollution, water borne diseases, air pollution, unhealthy environment but on the other hand it is also difficult to change human behavior which has been existing here for centuries.
IRSP and Water Aid:
Water aid's project in collaboration with IRSP has been designed to analyze and improve water and sanitation conditions in remote villages of Mardan district, the major objectives are identification of water and sanitation needs in targeted area and also taking measures for the betterment of situation.
Ibrahim & Shah rana:
Efforts can be fruitful if done with dedication and whole heartedly for example the story of 50 years old Ibrahim and his wife Shah rana. There are total nine family members including 6 females and 3 males. Ibrahim, head of the family is a laborer while the female is housewife. Both husband and wife and there all children are uneducated with lower class economic back ground. They have been living in the village, Faiz Talab banda, for 15 months.
Faiz talab banda:
Faiz talab banda is located in UC takkar, tehsil Takht bhai, and district mardan. Village has been comprised of 40 to 45 families, 15 of them are living in mud houses without latrines. The village was first time visited by IRSP team on 15th; February 2010 and after analyzing the bad condition it was decided to change human behavior through implementation of CLTS approach there.
Implementation of CLTS approach:
On 5th, March, 2010 PRA was conducted there in order to mobilize rural community, to generate a sense of responsibility there, to get a picture of issues they have and also enable them to identify and solve their problems. Females were excited when they came to know about the method of easily construct able and low cost, pit latrines as they were unable to afford permanent ones. Shah rana with her daughters, promised to bring the idea into effect within next two weeks. This was the first step towards a positive behavior change.
Behavior change:
She fulfilled her promise after two weeks, during follow up visit on 24th, March 2010 IRSP team saw pit latrine constructed in a corner of their mud house with a drainage system covered with walls around them. When she was interviewed about the difference between previous and present situation she told that now their life is improved as compared to previous one, it has become easy now to dispose off human excreta, to manage guests, it has also become easy to observe parda and privacy especially in night time.
Diarrhea and scabies were common in children after building the latrine such diseases have been reduced and also financial expenses. Healthy environment has positive impacts on psychological health.
Though such families are a source of motivation for rest of the people living all around but these suggestions can also be followed in this regard:
Suggestions and recommendations:
- Informal meetings should also be conducted with villagers especially with females in order to generate awareness against open defecation and unhygienic practices.
- IEC material should also be developed and distributed among the people to convey this message.
- Mothers should be focused; there knowledge on relevant issues should be updated because a well informed and knowledgeable mother is an institution in her own self.
Nasim & Laila
Village: Sreekh Kali, UC: Gujarat, Tehsil: Mardan, District: Mardan
20th, May 2010
Back ground:
One such story is of Nasim who not only belongs to srikh kali Gujarat but also provides her services as lady health worker there. 549 houses are located there while only 26% houses had latrines Nasim wanted to change her village’s condition being a health worker but it was difficult for her to change alone. Being the daughter of a taxi driver she didn’t afford permanent latrine so constructed pit for her family’s use. It was difficult for her alone to change her villagers’ behavior towards hygiene and open defecation.
Water aid and IRSP:
Water aid's project in collaboration with IRSP has been designed to analyze and improve water and sanitation conditions in remote villages of Mardan district, the major objectives are identification of water and sanitation needs in targeted area and also taking measures for the betterment of situation.
Srikh Kali:
IRSP team selected Srikh Kali as one of the target villages and was first time visited by IRSP team on 1st, March 2010 and after analyzing the bad condition it was decided to change human behavior through implementation of CLTS approach there.
Implementation of CLTS approach:
Nasim joined IRSP as female activist. On 3rd, March, 2010 PRA was conducted there in order to mobilize rural community, to generate a sense of responsibility there, to get a picture of issues they have and also enable them to identify and solve their problems. Females were excited when they came to know about the method of easily construct able and low cost, pit latrines as they were unable to afford permanent ones.
Laila daughter of Umer Khan and Mehar sheda with her sisters was excited when she got to know about the advantages of hygienic environment and construction she promised to bring the idea into effect within next two weeks. This was the first success for IRSP in Srikh kali regarding CLTS. Nasim co operated with IRSP team in conducting PRA she was also excited due to progress towards clean and sanitized village. Pit latrine in Nasima’s house has also been converted into permanent flush latrine after 3 years of her job.
Behavior change:
Laila fulfilled her promise within two months, during follow up visit on 19th, May 2010 IRSP team observed permanent latrine constructed in a corner of their house with a drainage system covered with walls around them. Hand pump for water supply has also been installed there. When she was interviewed about the difference between previous and present situation she told that now their life is improved as compared to previous one, it has become easy now to dispose off human excreta, to manage guests, it has also become easy to observe Parda and privacy especially in night time. Diarrhea and scabies were common in children after building the latrine such diseases have been reduced and also financial expenses. Healthy environment has positive impacts on psychological health.
Though such families are a source of motivation for rest of the people living all around but these suggestions can also be followed in this regard
Suggestions and recommendations:
- Informal meetings should also be conducted with villagers especially with females in order to generate awareness against open defecation and unhygienic practices.
- IEC material should also be developed and distributed among the people to convey this message.
- Mothers should be focused; there knowledge on relevant issues should be updated because a well informed and knowledgeable mother is an institution in her own self.
Nasim & Laila
Village: Sreekh Kali, UC: Gujarat, Tehsil: Mardan, District: Mardan
20th, May 2010
Back ground:
One such story is of Nasim who not only belongs to srikh kali Gujarat but also provides her services as lady health worker there. 549 houses are located there while only 26% houses had latrines Nasim wanted to change her village’s condition being a health worker but it was difficult for her to change alone. Being the daughter of a taxi driver she didn’t afford permanent latrine so constructed pit for her family’s use. It was difficult for her alone to change her villagers’ behavior towards hygiene and open defecation.
Water aid and IRSP:
Water aid's project in collaboration with IRSP has been designed to analyze and improve water and sanitation conditions in remote villages of Mardan district, the major objectives are identification of water and sanitation needs in targeted area and also taking measures for the betterment of situation.
Srikh Kali:
IRSP team selected Srikh Kali as one of the target villages and was first time visited by IRSP team on 1st, March 2010 and after analyzing the bad condition it was decided to change human behavior through implementation of CLTS approach there.
Implementation of CLTS approach:
Nasim joined IRSP as female activist. On 3rd, March, 2010 PRA was conducted there in order to mobilize rural community, to generate a sense of responsibility there, to get a picture of issues they have and also enable them to identify and solve their problems. Females were excited when they came to know about the method of easily construct able and low cost, pit latrines as they were unable to afford permanent ones.
Laila daughter of Umer Khan and Mehar sheda with her sisters was excited when she got to know about the advantages of hygienic environment and construction she promised to bring the idea into effect within next two weeks.
This was the first success for IRSP in Srikh kali regarding CLTS. Nasim co operated with IRSP team in conducting PRA she was also excited due to progress towards clean and sanitized village. Pit latrine in Nasima’s house has also been converted into permanent flush latrine after 3 years of her job.
Behavior change:
Laila fulfilled her promise within two months, during follow up visit on 19th, May 2010 IRSP team observed permanent latrine constructed in a corner of their house with a drainage system covered with walls around them. Hand pump for water supply has also been installed there. When she was interviewed about the difference between previous and present situation she told that now their life is improved as compared to previous one, it has become easy now to dispose off human excreta, to manage guests, it has also become easy to observe Parda and privacy especially in night time. Diarrhea and scabies were common in children after building the latrine such diseases have been reduced and also financial expenses. Healthy environment has positive impacts on psychological health.
Though such families are a source of motivation for rest of the people living all around but these suggestions can also be followed in this regard
Suggestions and recommendations:
- Informal meetings should also be conducted with villagers especially with females in order to generate awareness against open defecation and unhygienic practices.
- IEC material should also be developed and distributed among the people to convey this message.
- Mothers should be focused; there knowledge on relevant issues should be updated because a well informed and knowledgeable mother is an institution in her own self.
Wahida & Tajbar Sultan
Village: Sreekh Banda, UC: Jamal Garhi, Tehsil: Mardan, District: Mardan
20th, May 2010
Srikh banda, a village with eye catching view of fields and stream, located in Jamal Garhi Union Council of Mardan district was first time visited by IRSP team in 2008. During first visit, the village was observed with improper waste disposal and open defecation. There are total 200 households while in 2008 only 9.33 % (7 houses) had latrines. Open defecation was a common phenomenon at that time so Due to this worse condition village was selected as one of the target villages of IRSP and water aid’s joint project to stop open defecation.
Very soon IRSP female team became acquainted with 20 years old Wahida and 45 years old her mother Tajbar Sultan, females with middle class socio economic background and good reputation in the village.
Implementation of CLTS approach:
On 10th June, 2000, PRA was conducted there in order to mobilize rural community, to generate a sense of responsibility there, to get a picture of issues they have and also enable them to identify and solve their problems. Females were excited when they came to know about the method of easily construct able and low cost, pit latrines as they were unable to afford permanent ones.
Behavioral change in rural community:
Wahida not only co operated in PRA arrangement but also at the end of PRA, promised with IRSP female staff for construction of pit latrine in their mud house. After one month Wahida invited the staff to her house to demonstrate her efforts. Their pit latrine was covered with mud walls and a cloth sheet for Parda. There was also a drain for hand washing after the use.
Latrine was dug and built by both of the females without the help of any male family member this is the most important thing in this study which should be highlighted to motivate other people especially females in other villages.
Being the teachers of Quran Wahida’s mother is a significant member of society so can easily spread the message of health and hygiene due to their good reputation their students and neighbors gladly follow their instructions such females can be presented as role models. Within two years more than 75 % families have built latrines in their houses including permanent flush and pits. Wahida and her mother are hope ful to convert their pit into permanent in near future.
These suggestions can also be followed in this regard
Suggestions and recommendations:
- Informal meetings should also be conducted with villagers especially with females in order to generate awareness against open defecation and unhygienic practices.
- IEC material should also be developed and distributed among the people to convey this message.
- Mothers should be focused; there knowledge on relevant issues should be updated because a well informed and knowledgeable mother is an institution in her own self.
- Activists should be trained and encouraged through certificates and financial support.
Wahida & Tajbar Sultan
Village: Sreekh Banda, UC: Jamal Garhi, Tehsil: Mardan, District: Mardan
20th, May 2010
Srikh banda, a village with eye catching view of fields and stream, located in Jamal Garhi Union Council of Mardan district was first time visited by IRSP team in 2008. During first visit, the village was observed with improper waste disposal and open defecation. There are total 200 households while in 2008 only 9.33 % (7 houses) had latrines.
Open defecation was a common phenomenon at that time so Due to this worse condition village was selected as one of the target villages of IRSP and water aid’s joint project to stop open defecation.
Very soon IRSP female team became acquainted with 20 years old Wahida and 45 years old her mother Tajbar Sultan, females with middle class socio economic background and good reputation in the village.
Implementation of CLTS approach:
On 10th June, 2000, PRA was conducted there in order to mobilize rural community, to generate a sense of responsibility there, to get a picture of issues they have and also enable them to identify and solve their problems. Females were excited when they came to know about the method of easily construct able and low cost, pit latrines as they were unable to afford permanent ones.
Behavioral change in rural community:
Wahida not only co operated in PRA arrangement but also at the end of PRA, promised with IRSP female staff for construction of pit latrine in their mud house. After one month Wahida invited the staff to her house to demonstrate her efforts. Their pit latrine was covered with mud walls and a cloth sheet for Parda. There was also a drain for hand washing after the use.
Latrine was dug and built by both of the females without the help of any male family member this is the most important thing in this study which should be highlighted to motivate other people especially females in other villages.
Being the teachers of Quran Wahida’s mother is a significant member of society so can easily spread the message of health and hygiene due to their good reputation their students and neighbors gladly follow their instructions such females can be presented as role models. Within two years more than 75 % families have built latrines in their houses including permanent flush and pits. Wahida and her mother are hope ful to convert their pit into permanent in near future.
These suggestions can also be followed in this regard
Suggestions and recommendations:
- Informal meetings should also be conducted with villagers especially with females in order to generate awareness against open defecation and unhygienic practices.
- IEC material should also be developed and distributed among the people to convey this message.
- Mothers should be focused; there knowledge on relevant issues should be updated because a well informed and knowledgeable mother is an institution in her own self.
- Activists should be trained and encouraged through certificates and financial support.
Case study
Karim and Laila
Village: Syyed Azim Kaly, UC: Chamtar, Tehsil: Mardan, District: Mardan
3rd, June 2010
At the start of 21s century, United Nations set 8 goals for international development under the name of Millennium development goals. One of the goals is for improvement and delivery of water and sanitation facilities as almost 40% of the population is living without basic sanitation only in south Asia and sub Saharan Africa where like other international and national organizations, water aid is struggling with its partners in order to improve sanitation's condition.
Situation of district Mardan:
District Mardan in NWFP, Pakistan is one of the regions with worse sanitation condition where IRSP is working in collaboration with water aid. The total area of the district is 1632 square kilometers having population density of 894. The urban proportion of the district is 20.2 percent of the total population where as rural proportion is 79.8 percent. The big urban area is Mardan Municipal Committee with population of 239 thousands. The other urban areas are Takht Bhai Municipal Committee with population 49 thousands and Mardan Cantonment with population of 7 thousands. Here female literacy rate is very low while the male literacy ratio is much higher at 53.50 percent compared to 18.38 percent for female. Due to the poverty, unemployment and high illiteracy rate, ratio of unhygienic practices including open defecation is very high.
District Mardan and sanitation:
It is considered against cultural norms to build latrines in houses, males, females and children used to defecate at open grounds and fields outside there houses. The situation results in water pollution, water borne diseases, air pollution, unhealthy environment but on the other hand it is also difficult to change human behavior which has been existing here for centuries.
IRSP and Water Aid:
Water aid's project in collaboration with IRSP has been designed to analyze and improve water and sanitation conditions in remote villages of Mardan district, the major objectives are identification of water and sanitation needs in targeted area and also taking measures for the betterment of situation.
Syed azim kaly:
Syed azim kaly located in union council chamtar, district Mardan comprised of 12 houses. Total population of the village is 107.
Almost all of the houses are mud houses. During first visit, the village was observed with solid waste dumping points locally known as “Dhairan†Near by all houses that were also used for open defecation by villagers. Like other rural areas of Mardan distt. there was also concept of “latrine –less housesâ€. The reasons behind the existing phenomena were socio cultural trends, unconsciousness about the importance of latrines and financial backwardness. After first visit the village was included in target villages to improve its situation through CLTS approach.
PRA conducted:
On 13th, March 2009, PRA was conducted there to implement the principles of CLTS approach in order to mobilize rural community, to generate a sense of responsibility there, to get a picture of issues they have and also enable them to identify and solve their problems. Females were excited when they came to know about the method of easily construct able and low cost, pit latrines as they were unable to afford permanent ones. Few females promised for construction of permanent ones.
Laila and Karim:
As the first step towards a positive behavior change Laila discussed the idea with her family. Laila is the wife of 50 years old taxi driver Karim, she attended the PRA conducted in their neighborhood by IRPS female staff. Karim and laila are living with their 8 children in property of their land lord Amin. After completion of education there two sons opened an informal school in their hujra, adjacent to their house. Their school is a benefit for poor children.
Behavior change:
She fulfilled her promise after few weeks, during follow up visit on 3rd, June 2010 IRSP team saw permanent latrine constructed in a corner of their mud house with a drainage system covered with walls around them and a hand pump. When she was interviewed about the difference between previous and present situation she told that now their life is improved as compared to previous one, it has become easy now to dispose off human excreta, to manage guests, it has also become easy to observe parda and privacy especially in night time. For Parda a steel door exists in latrines.
Diarrhea and scabies were common in children after building the latrine such diseases have been reduced and also financial expenses. Healthy environment has positive impacts on psychological health.
They not only built latrine for their house but also for the school in their Hujra. In this way they are spreading the message of IRSP and water Aid in order to stop open defecation through their students.
Expenses on latrine construction:
Total expenditures on latrine construction are 15,000.
Problems faced during construction:
The only problem they faced was the financial problem but they over came it through the financial support provided by their land lord Amin.
Perception of other people:
Such families are a source of motivation for rest of the people living all around. Laila told us that other females admire and get excited when they visit there home after construction of latrine. They consider it a positive change in rural environment as the ratio of latrines has been increased in the village, there were only 2 latrines before CLTS implementation but now the number has been reached to 9 that includes pit and permanent both.
Few families feel inspirational but do not have enough resources to build latrines.
These suggestions can also be followed in this regard:
Suggestions and recommendations:
- Informal meetings should also be conducted with villagers especially with females in order to generate awareness against open defecation and unhygienic practices because latrine construction is not the only solution, they should know that how to keep it clean.
- IEC material should also be developed and distributed among the people to convey this message.
- Mothers should be focused; there knowledge on relevant issues should be updated because a well informed and knowledgeable mother is an institution in her own self.
- Activists should be trained and encouraged through certificates and rewards.
- Such case studies should be used as a tool of advocacy in order to motivate rest of the community.